L. C
author : L. C
I have been a writer for a long time—I just didn’t know it. As a professional educator for years and years, I made a career out of sharing my understanding of mathematics and science with my students. It turns out writing in many ways is like teaching. When you teach, you explain your subject in a way your audience can understand. Writers do that too!\n\nWhen challenged to do a history of our local community band, I discovered how much fun it was to explain things with the written word. Plus, while writing, I never experienced any of the interruptions of the regular classroom (I never notice when my readers lay my books aside). From there the path was obvious. I started chronicling all the stirring adventures I could imagine.\n\nI’ve always been a reader, an omnivorous one. Although I have read at least something in most genres, my taste in fiction has always leaned to science fiction and fantasy. Therefore, my fiction works tend to have starships or dragons in them. I write what I like to read.